Call for Speakers - Blipz 2025

The Call for Speakers just opened! We are looking for speakers on Cloud, Data, Software engineering and Security. Submit your talk today!



The focus of the conference is new technology: new languages, tools. frameworks, methodologies or concepts. So we are looking for talks about innovative, cutting edge technology. For inspiration, check out the technology radars created by Thoughtworks or Zalando. Each technology discussed will be rated on the conference technology radar. The talk should answer the following key questions of a Blipz: What problem does it solve? What value does it offer? What can it be compared with? What's my experience? After the talk there will be time for some Q&A.


The title of your talk is probably the hardest part of your submission: it has to capture the attendees’ attention and spark their interest. Keep it short, memorable and compelling, with a touch of personality, hinting at the subject and focus of your talk.


Please note that the abstract field can contain a maximum of 600 characters (spaces included), so if you exceed this limit it will be cut from the system.

First time speaker?

Please note that the abstract field can contain a maximum of 600 characters (spaces included), so if you exceed this limit it will be cut from the system.

Selection process

The proposals are collected through a public Call for Speakers and they are evaluated separately by both tech communities and our Program Committee. The agenda is created by the Program Committee, on the basis of the outcome of the voting process and the topics chosen for the conference.

Speaker info

The main focus of this conference is to discuss hot new trends in a fun way. We can't reveal any details yet, but we'll organise a speakers event where we can do just that the evening before the conference. We expect our speakers to come to the venue and have a ready room on conference day itself. Covering of travel and accommodation events on individual basis depending on the personal situation.

Want to Share Your Expertise?

We're looking for speakers on Cloud, Data, Software engineering and Security. Join our lineup of industry experts!

Submit Your Talk